The London Borough of Newham commissioned Project Centre to alleviate congestion on Prince Regent Lane as well as improve bus journey times.
Buses play a vital role for Newham residents and workers, as over half of the borough’s residents do not have access to a car. Through extensive community engagement, traffic modelling and design, our expert team supported the council to improve sustainable transport across the area.
For the scheme’s significant improvements to public transport and general traffic, we won the Line Marking and Street Design category at the Highways Awards 2024!
Before formulating any solutions for this scheme, our expert communications and engagement team held extensive consultations with large parts of the community. This included face-to-face events, questionnaires and online comment requests from groups such as:
- Newham Sixth Form and University Hospital
- Plaistow fire station
- Tollgate and Cumberland schools
- Met Police
- Newham cyclists
To verify that the scheme would provide the expected impact, we used multiple software technologies, including the VISSIM traffic modelling application. This was used to model the above proposals before implementation, simulating real-life traffic flow conditions and ensuring they benefit both buses and general traffic.
To support our VISSIM modelling, we also used a LinSig traffic model on the road network This modelling exercise was undertaken using LinSig3 computer software to simulate the base (existing) traffic conditions compared to the required TfL modelling standards.
Our measures
We proposed the following measures to provide steady traffic flow in Prince Regent Lane, improving air quality and reducing traffic noise and congestion:
- Relocation of the bus stop closer to the junction with Crofton Road, to ensure accessibility for wheelchair and mobility scooter users
- Widening the footway, creating narrower junctions at key locations
- Changing the existing zebra crossing to a signalised crossing to improve pedestrian safety and reduce traffic congestion, particularly at peak times
- Relocating parking bays from Prince Regent Lane to the side roads, ensuring these don’t obstruct the road
- Widening the road junction and relocating cyclists onto a shared space for pedestrians and cyclists, to improve the bus flows and journey times as well as improve safety for all road users
- Installing a yellow box at the Prince Regent Lane junction, so that vehicles don’t block access
- Reconfiguring the Advance Stop Lines to improve visibility and safety for cyclists on the approach to the junctions
By using VISSIM modelling we can quantify the reduction in bus journey times within the extents of the scheme and the reduction in congestion at identified bottlenecks. For example:
- General traffic journey times on Prince Regent Lane(southbound), during peak AM hours are forecast to fall by 26%
- Bus 147 will have its journey time on Prince Regent Lane (southbound), during peak AM hours, reduced by 20%

“I just wanted to compliment everyone on a job well done. Recent work to the pavements and a very nice road surface, with very clear road markings. Well done again, to all involved on a good job and great finish.”
– Tony Spence, Trade and Waste Officer, Newham Councilr

“Massive transformation along Prince Regents Lane with the introduction of the new bus lane.“
– Soyab Patel, Principal Engineer Planned Maninteinance and Urban Design, Newham Council