It is estimated that energy theft is costing the UK around £440 million a year, which represents approximately £20 per household. This involves people tampering with or bypassing meters to steal gas or electricity, or paying less than they should. Energy theft is also dangerous and results in at least two deaths and 36 injuries each year.
Engage is a full member of the UKRPA and provides energy suppliers with a range of revenue protection services including investigations carried out by the company’s team of more than fifty dual-fuel qualified engineers.
There are a multitude of reasons why a qualified network of dual fuel engineers is required to visit properties on behalf energy suppliers across the UK. They include inspections of non-communicating smart meters or non-vending pre-payment meters.
Engage’s engineer-led solution is the only one of its kind and fully qualified dual fuel engineers undertake investigation visits on a visit fee-based model. Our network of engineers has the skill sets and stock to not only intrusively inspect meters and identify the issues, but also can install SMET2 smart meters in their place should the investigation dictate a replacement.
With an in-house training academy, we ensure that our engineers are trained to the highest standard in terms of metering quality, theft identification, investigation techniques and evidence gathering. This provides energy suppliers with robust and accurate results to assist in investigations and help meet their industry obligations.
As a technology-driven business with a long history in the application and execution of warrants of entry, we have developed our own bespoke revenue protection system. This enables us to capture results and outcomes aligned to industry requirements whilst ensuring consistency of reporting for suppliers.
Engage continues to drive innovation, both internally and at an industry level, to ensure that we consistently remain one step ahead of the perpetrators of energy theft.