This category recognises projects and products that reduce congestion through means such as: active traffic management, adaptive traffic lights. Real-time traffic information, road pricing and parking management solutions. This has been shown through our partnership with Lewisham Council.
In 2020, Lewisham Council’s Transport team embarked on an ambitious venture. By delivering a school street programme across the most traffic congested locations in the borough. Using no motor vehicle controls and CCTV enforcement. To reduce traffic volume outside schools, favouring pedestrians and cyclists at school start and finish times.

School Streets involve enforcing restrictions outside a school to through traffic. To reduce the volume of traffic passing by at the times children are travelling to and from school.
Supported by Lewisham parking colleagues, Videalert and NSL, embarked on multiple campaigns. To see roads close to schools often busy with school traffic known to be causing road safety concerns at the start and end of the school day. The primary objective of this programme remains to this day to help pupils and parents. By creating a safer environment for travel to school on foot and by bicycle. By implementing a short closure at school drop off and pick up times.
Holbeach Primary School had 2 enforcement cameras installed on Doggett Road, which went live in April 2021. Street surveys of traffic volumes reported in September 2020. Prior to the scheme going live compared to surveys. This repeated in February 2022 saw a 48% reduction in vehicle movements.
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