Attain maximum benefits from installations of CCTV traffic management and enforcement services
As a leading provider of CCTV traffic management and enforcement solutions, Videalert has the experience to help councils to design and deploy the latest digital platforms that deliver the highest productivity at the lowest operating cost.
Industry Specialists
Our professional services team comprises industry specialists with extensive experience of successfully delivering projects for local government and police authorities. We provide a range of services that can help benchmark the performance of legacy manually operated systems. This is achieved by conducting a business needs analysis to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of current services and provide unrivalled insights to determine whether the required results are being cost effectively achieved. Structured observation and interviews with stakeholders throughout the organisation provide a clearer understanding of individual process issues and pain points.
We can analyse and benchmark current service delivery effectiveness against our extensive experience with other similar organisations. This allows us to recommend solutions that align to the tactical and strategic goals of clients with technology roadmaps to achieve business benefits in the short, medium and longer term.
Identifiable Improvement
A pragmatic and collaborative approach is taken to all client interactions. All findings and subsequent recommendations are built on fact and evidenced with quantifiable data and observations. This ensures that identified improvement opportunities can always be quantified in terms of increased productivity and reduced infrastructure costs.
Post-implementation consultancy can also be conducted to quantify the impact of installed systems and suggest further improvements to current processes and workflows.
Services include:
- On-site surveys
- System design
- Installation and configuration
- System optimisation
- VCA approvals
- Training (including administrator and reviewer)
Training services
Videalert offers a full range of training courses that enable councils to maximise the benefits that can be attained from its advanced digital CCTV traffic enforcement and management solutions.
With wealth of knowledge gained from working with councils of every size, our experienced trainers take the time to gain a detailed understanding of your individual needs and objectives. This enables the delivery of personalised training tailored to your specific requirements at a pace suitable to every participant.
Our training services are available upon completion of installations, following system upgrades, to cover during holidays periods or times of sickness as well as refreshers on a regular basis.
Training courses can be delivered onsite or at your offices.
Project management
Ensure that projects are successfully delivered to meet time, budget and quality requirements.
Videalert has a proven track record of successful deployments of CCTV traffic management and enforcement systems.
With extensive in-house technical expertise, every project is delivered by our certified PRINCE2 practitioners. From single site, single application systems through to networks comprising multiple locations and applications, we ensure that every project is smoothly delivered on time, within budget and exceeds user expectations.
Videalert systems have built-in resilience and are designed to deliver reliable, uninterrupted service, ensuring the highest productivity. We are committed to ensuring that any technical issue that may occur is handled and resolved in an efficient and timely manner to minimise service disruption.
Dedicated Support
A dedicated account manager is assigned to every customer and takes full responsibility for ensuring that Videalert solutions consistently meet or exceed expectations. Our helpdesk is manned by experienced industry specialists that respond rapidly to every telephone or email request for assistance.
Maximise Uptime
Multi-level, 24/7 monitoring also enables Videalert to optimise system health and achieve industry-leading availability rates in excess of 99%. Videalert systems are self-healing and can automatically detect, analyse and heal faults that may be detected. This maximises system uptime and delivers uninterrupted productivity with automated rebooting and recovery processes taking place without human intervention.
Remote Monitoring
Daily statistics are gathered for all operational systems providing a detailed history of system performance, enforcement trends and compliance. Our Remote Management Console (RMC) generates automatic alerts to identify and investigate locations where enforcement is falling below expected levels. Should a site visit be required field engineers are despatched to carry out all necessary remedial work without delay.
Planned Maintenance
Planned software upgrades and maintenance are scheduled to take place during non-critical periods whenever possible. Videalert provides twice-yearly site visits to clean camera lenses and check for any issues at the pole including equipment connections.
All RDS and camera equipment supplied by Videalert has a one year warranty which includes helpdesk, remote and onsite support. Any equipment that fails during the warranty period will be replaced free of charge. Access to support can be extended beyond this warranty period subject to taking out a maintenance contract.
Maintenance contracts
Videalert provides industry–leading levels of support with maintenance contracts that offer comprehensive cover to ensure maximum productivity of its traffic enforcement and management solutions.
Standard Cover
- Initial setup and commissioning of all cameras and software
- Online helpdesk and telephone support during normal business hours 9am-5.30pm Monday through Friday, excluding bank holidays
- Proactive daily checks via RMC
- Inclusive bug fixes, patches within the stated service levels for response and resolution
- New releases, versions of the software as they become available
- Firmware upgrades all cameras and RDS as needed
Gold Cover
Provides all above plus:
- provide online helpdesk and telephone support 24*7*365
Software maintenance
Videalert’s experienced software development team is committed to providing ongoing enhancements to our market-leading traffic enforcement and management solutions. Products are regularly updated with new releases and patches occurring several times a year.
Videalert systems are maintained and updated as part of our standard support contract to ensure that customers are running the latest version of the software, which is no more than 6 months old.
This active programme contrasts with other vendors, often part of larger conglomerates, that operate a “fire-up and forget” principle and only carry out specific costed development projects when required.
Software updates are conducted out of hours by Videalert to minimise downtime and typically take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.