Marston Holdings is the natural partner of choice for nearly 50% of all Councils nationwide requiring support collecting Council Tax, Non Domestic Rates, and all types of Sundry Debts. This has been achieved by focusing on customers by using fair, transparent and customer-focused collection methods.
Our team of IRRV qualified, ex-Local Government experts use Crystal Mark-accredited plain English customer communications, aligned with in-house developed payment apps and self-serve technologies supported by industry-leading analytic capabilities. This enables us to tailor our approach to encourage engagement and identify cases displaying client vulnerability factors early in the process. In this way, we secure a higher level of payments during the compliance stage which reduces fees for your customers.
Supported by the largest field-force of Civil Enforcement agents, we can visit any postcode in the UK within 24 hours, when necessary. We only undertake enforcement visits after all other attempts to contact and engage customers have failed. Whilst these visits can help us to maximise collection of monies from the ‘won’t pays’, they are also helping identify the vulnerable ‘can’t pays’ that could otherwise be missed.
Our award-winning vulnerability strategy includes a Welfare Support Team and ensures all our people have completed in-house training developed with the support of the Money Advice Trust and the Royal College of Psychiatrists. We also operate referral schemes with local and national debt advice organisations, ensuring that customers are fast-tracked for appropriate support where necessary.
Ensuring good governance and oversight, alongside positive customer feedback and client satisfaction, our Independent Advisory Board of industry experts complete regular ethical audits of our operations and processes to ensure our values, culture and behaviours stay ahead of the competition.