Marston Holdings (Marston) is the UK’s largest judicial services group.
Although Marston is not governed by an association, an independent Advisory Group provides advice and reviews our culture, ethical standards and procedures. If you would like to find out more information about the Advisory Group, please visit the Marston webpage.
Marston and all of the subsidiary businesses work closely with and are members of the Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA) and the High Court Enforcement Officers Association (HCEOA) to deliver the highest standards of service throughout the enforcement process.
We follow legislation set out by the Ministry of Justice as part of the Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 and follow regulations set out by Ofcom, FCA, CSA Code of Practice and Data Protection Act.
We recover via writs of control and County Court judgments that have been transferred to the High Court for the purposes of enforcement. This will be completed for recovery of money, assets or land, as well as enforcing Employment Tribunal Awards and ACAS settlements, on behalf of individuals, partnerships, small and large businesses.
Marston High Court enforcement is the fastest and most effective form of enforcement in the UK.
When traditional debt collection methods fail, our expertise enables us to prompt immediate engagement from individuals or businesses that have been ordered to pay money, return property or vacate land.
For further information on the process of High Court enforcement, please visit the HCEOA’s website: www.hceoa.co.uk
Tribunal Courts and Enforcement (TCE) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It provides several diverse matters relating to the law, some of them being changes to the structure of the courts and fundamental legal procedures.
You have received a letter because we have been instructed by our client to contact you to collect monies owed to them. This debt has been passed to Marston to recover. If you have received a notice for someone who does not live at the address, please provide proof of your address to us as soon as you are able to.
Contacting us
Post: Embassy House, 60 Church Street, Birmingham, B3 2DJ
DX address: DX 13014 Birmingham
Email: post@marstongroup.co.uk
Telephone: 0333 320 2540
Fax: 0121 200 7401
At Marston we believe our customers are entitled to a standard of service that meets the same level of quality, professionalism and care that would be expected of any high quality service organisation. We go the extra mile to ensure that these standards remain and are met.
If you are a customer, contacting us is essential so we can help you resolve your case.
If you receive correspondence and are not a customer, it is important you let us know so we can verify the correct information and update our records.
If you need to contact us, you can find a list of our details below.
Post: Embassy House, 60 Church Street, Birmingham, B3 2DJ
DX address: DX 13014 Birmingham
Email: post@marstongroup.co.uk
Telephone: 0333 320 2540
Fax: 0121 200 7401
We realise that a visit from a judicial services officer can be an unusual and sometimes difficult moment for any person or family. We are keen to learn from your experience, and will take all feedback seriously. We know we can always improve what we do.
Contacting us
Post: Embassy House, 60 Church Street, Birmingham, B3 2DJ
DX address: DX 13014 Birmingham
Email: post@marstongroup.co.uk
Telephone: 0333 320 2540
Fax: 0121 200 7401
To help customers to understand their rights and provide them with the tools they may need to manage their debt, we offer dedicated customer support and referrals to free and independent advice. We encourage customers to impartial money advisers for further guidance:
StepChange Debt Charity: freephone 0800 138 111 or visit www.stepchange.org.
Citizens Advice Bureau:
for Wales call 08444 77 20 20,
for England call 08444 111 444
or visit www.adviceguide.org.uk.
Advice UK: www.adviceuk.org.uk/money-debt-advice
National Debtline: call 0808 808 4000 or visit www.nationaldebtline.org.
Money Advice Service: call 0300 500 5000 or visit www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk
*Please check with the relevant website of each company or charity for further information.
You can make a complaint to Marston by email complaints@marstonholdings.co.uk, online via our website, fax 03333 203 355 or post.
Marston, PO Box 12019, Epping, CM16 9EB.
Credit reference agencies hold information regarding a person’s financial history commonly referred to as credit history. Credit reference agencies provide your financial information to lenders (i.e. banks, building societies etc.) who use it along with their own guidelines to establish whether to grant you credit.
Therefore, any debt may affect your credit rating. Please note that Marston does not pass any information to credit referencing agencies.
Marston is able to take a number of steps to recover outstanding monies owed to our client via the High Court. There are four stages to this process:
1 – Compliance stage
This involves giving 7 ‘clear’ days’ notice of enforcement if we have not received payment, which provides the amount and date by which payments should be made to avoid further action.
2 –First enforcement stage
This will involve an attendance in order to try and take control of goods and obtain payment. If you are unable to settle in full, then a proposal might be made for settlement, depending on the value of any goods found at the address.
If you are unable to make payment in full, you can make a proposal to pay by instalments, upon which we will liaise with our client to seek approval and respond to you to you, but please bear in mind that we will ask you to detail out your income and expenditure and comply with your proposal whilst we take instructions.
3 – Second enforcement stage
If no payment is received or acceptable arrangement put in place that is strictly complied with, another visit will be made to your premises. If the sum is not paid, or an agreement reached, we will consider proceeding with a removal of the goods, with a view to sale.
If we find that we need to force re-entry to the premises, we will give you a minimum of 2 clear days notice. Please note that we do have a right of entry to recover goods that are subject to a taking control of goods agreement.
4 – Sale and disposal stage
We will write to you to give 7 ‘clear’ days’ notice of the pending sale, and you will be notified of when and where. Following the sale, you will receive a notice which will provide you details of the sale of the goods.
Following our enforcement agents visit, if you are unable to make payment in full, you may be able to make a proposal to pay be instalments, upon receipt of which with a completed Income and Expenditure form we will liaise with our clients to seek instructions as to whether your proposal is acceptable or not.
In order to make a proposal you must
1) complete the online Income and Expenditure form, which will then be sent to us electronically and
2) make your first payment either by card on line, by electronic bank transfer, or calling our office to make a payment
NB: We will be unable to process your proposal without the 1st payment, so if you are in difficulty with this you should contact our office to discuss.
Whilst we await instructions from the client on your proposal you must continue to comply with the proposal and make and keep up the payments, as failure to do so will result in your proposal failing and may result in further action taking place and costs being incurred.
If you do have any questions, or need any assistance either now or at any stage, for example if you have difficulty in make a payment, please contact the office to discuss.
Contacting us
Post: Embassy House, 60 Church Street, Birmingham, B3 2DJ
DX address: DX 13014 Birmingham
Email: post@marstongroup.co.uk
Telephone: 0333 320 2540
Fax: 0121 200 7401
You have received a notice because we have been instructed by our client to contact you to collect monies owed to them. This debt has been passed to Marston to recover.
We have been directed to this address under the instructions received from the client, being the address that the customer last gave to the client for contact or that shows for the customer following various checks that have been made.
If you are not the named person on the notice, we apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. The latest address for a customer can take time to filter through official records. If we have tried to contact a person named at the premises at which you reside, please provide proof that you reside at the address so that we can cease action.
Please provide proof by posting or emailing an up to date utility bill, tenancy agreement or council tax bill, along with any further address or telephone number you may have for the customer to assist us in re-directing our contact.
To ensure we deal with your issue effectively, contact us as soon as possible.
There are instructions on the notice on how to pay. The notice will also include a telephone number and it is important that you speak to our customer contact centre in order to discuss the debt. If you ignore the notice you may receive further charges.
As we have been asked to collect outstanding debt by the High Court or private client, we would continue recovery action and an enforcement agent may remove your goods for sale if we have received no contact from you. You may also receive further charges from us.
Please provide Marston with proof of your payment to allow us to investigate this further.
You should contact us as soon as possible and let us know that you have a dispute, and tell us why you disagree with the debt and we can advise you on next steps find a solution.
Action on recovering a debt can though only be stopped when we are told either by our client to or by a court order instructing us to do so.
Contact Marston High Court
0333 320 2540.
Any client queries please call our client services team on
0333 320 2549