High Court Enforcement  »  Residential possession claims instruction form
Residential possession claims instruction form
High Court Enforcement  »  Residential possession claims instruction form
Residential possession claims instruction form
Once you have permission from the court to evict your tenant, you may still have to wait for your tenant to leave your property. If your tenant still has not left, you can apply to the court for a warrant of possession to enforce the order. The warrant of possession is enforced by the County Court bailiff, who will notify the tenant of his date and time of attendance and will usually need you or your agent to attend to hand over possession. Dependent on the volume of work, it may take some time for the County Court bailiff to enforce the warrant. It may be best to ask the County Court bailiff’s office about current timeframes. If the delay is excessive and risks damage to the property or severe financial loss, you may be able to apply to the County Court for the possession order to be transferred to the High Court for enforcement by writ of possession.
This is done under Section 42 of the County Courts Act 1984 and if it isn’t granted at the possession hearing must be made by way of a separate application. Burlington Group can arrange for this to be done by appointing their subsidiary company who are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority or you can have your own solicitor to do this for you.
Notice must be given to the defendants, tenants and to any occupiers. Anyone who may be in occupation is required to be informed about the transfer up to the High Court and that you intend to issue a Writ of Possession. The process we adopted has been endorsed in the reported case of Partridge v Gupta [2017] EWHC 2110 (QB)
Once permissionhas be granted by the County Court a separate application needs to bemade to the HighCourt to issue the Writ of Possession. This normally at least 7 days after the County Court have agreed to the transfer butcan be less.Again Burlington Group can arrange for this to be done by appointing their subsidiary company who are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority or you can have your own solicitor to do this for you.
As High Court Enforcement Officers, Burlington Group have the power to enforce the Writ of Possession and recover the property for you. Enforcing orders for possession in the High Court can be a complicated process, so call our Client Services Team on 020 7118 3100 and allow us to talk you through it.
We can be instructed by the Claimant property owner or their solicitor providing they have an Order of Possession from the court.
You can do it yourself or we can instruct our own subsidiary company Marston Legal Services who are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, to act on your behalf.
No, they do not charge for their time, but you will have to pay the Court fees of £266 once they have the Writ of Possession and you will have to pay for the cost of enforcement separately.
You complete the online form and send us a copy of the Possession Order, a utility bill and some photographic identification.
We acknowledge the instructions and instruct our SRA regulated subsidiary company to complete the relevant applications and obtain a Writ of Possession. Once it has been obtained they cease to act on your behalf, but we then enforce the Writ of Possession and remove the occupants.
Unfortunately, no but most applications are successful.
The time taken depends on the speed of the Court. Usually it takes them 2 weeks to return the approved transfer.
In some cases yes, but it’s often more important just to get the property back and deal with the debt at a later date. Please speak to the office and they can explain in more detail.
We do not advise this is a sensible approach as it often antagonises the situations and causes delays. We prefer if you wait discreetly around the corner and we can call you once they have left.
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