The Highway Code consultation is currently being analysed and we can’t wait to find out the outcome. The revisions are specifically focused on pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. This is in regards to their safety on roads which has heavily prioritised vehicles over healthier modes of transports. The main changes to the highway code consultation revolve around introducing a hierarchy of road users. The hirearchy will place the most responsibility on those who can cause the greatest harm. It is their initiative which will reduce the danger they themselves pose to others.
Another aspect of the highway code consultation is clarifying existing rules on pedestrian priority on pavements. This advises that drivers and riders should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross the road, refocusing on pedestrians rather than other road users. This ties into the provision of guidance for drivers at junctions. These drivers are to give priority to cyclists when travelling straight ahead. There is also a focus on clarifying safe passing distances and speeds when overtaking cyclists and horse riders.
While we support the changes made to the highway code consultation, we believe there needs to be a greater emphasis on equality and inclusivity. Our roads will need to be more inclusive and suit the needs and abilities of all including children, disabled, women and elderly; all categories of people who are likely to be more risk averse and less assertive as they move on foot or cycle.
Active Travel Expert Lucy Marstrand developed our response which outlines our case for greater inclusion to be included. To find out more, read the proposal here: Project Centre Response 27 October 2020