Firstly, working in partnership with Westminster City Council. As part of our continuous commitment to empower communities and supporting small localised organisations. In addition, community groups through our Social Value commitments. Marston Holdings sponsored the Westminster Community Fund project. And awarded grants of £750 each to the Floating Classroom and Make it Happen (WPPG).
Make it Happen (WPPG) is a parent led organisation (CIC) for all Westminster parents. And carers of children and adults with special educational needs and/or a disability (up to the age of 25). Its main goal is to advance co-production and participation of parent carers in decision making. To tackle the isolation of families with SEND children and young people and provide peer to peer support. Plus advice through their volunteer parent carers who come from different backgrounds. The grant provided will help to provide refreshments, room hire and promotional materials. This for drop-in programmes with counsellors from Westminster Mind. And support 20-25 parent carers of children with ASD and other disabilities. The drop-in programmes are designed around the needs. And challenges that parents with disabled children face and focus on acceptance, managing worries and mindfulness.
Moreover, the Floating Classroom is a purpose-built electric barge moored at Little Venice in Paddington, which they teach children as they travel along Westminster’s Canals. Additionally, offering imaginative, engaging and fun learning experiences inspired by London’s waterways and green spaces, the Floating Classroom team work with a diverse range of people including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, encourage curiosity, take delight in discovery and forge a sense of kinship with the natural world for people living in the city. The funding provided will help towards the costs of repairs and refurbishment which are vital to maintaining a safe, welcoming and attractive venue to learn.