In order to proceed with enforcement, we will need a copy of the tribunal award us to enforce; your completed instruction form. Unlike regular money Judgments, the Compliance fee is not payment by you in the event of non recovery.
Once we have received the writ, we will send out the statutory Notice of Enforcement to the debtor. This allows the debtor 7 clear days, excluding Sundays and Bank Holidays to make payment in full including our Compliance Fee. Once the notice period had elapsed and payment hasn’t been made we will instruct an Enforcement Officer to attend at the debtor’s address.
Once on site, our Enforcement Officer will attempt to obtain payment in full. If the debtor is unable to pay in full, we will attempt to come to a mutually agreeable payment arrangement to clear any balance and seize their goods to be held as security. This is called a Controlled Goods Agreement.
We will generally only remove goods if the Defendant cannot make payment or if the goods we have seized are at risk.
Our fees are generally payable by the debtor in accordance with Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014. These regulations allow us to charge our fees in addition to the judgment debt where we are successful. If we are unsuccessful your liability is limited to the Court fee to obtain the Writ of £66.00
We can pay your money 14 days after it has been received from the debtor. It has to be kept for this period in accordance with the Insolvency Act however we try and pay funds out regularly every month.
If we only collect half the debt we only receive half our enforcement fees. We do try and collect all the sums due.
No we can not, however if the door is open we can enter.
Some vehicles can be seized if they are not on finance or disability vehicles. Before removing a vehicle we need to be certain it will be financially viable to remove and sell it.
Marston - 24-hour automated payment line
Speak to Marston team to make a payment or to discuss your circumstances
Our opening hours are 8 AM to 8 PM Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM on Saturdays.
It is always quicker and easier to contact us by phone or email. If you do need to send us anything in the post, please send it to:
To pay by post, send a postal order, cheque or banker’s draft, made payable to ‘Marston’ to the address above. Make sure that you write your name and our reference number on anything you send us and if sending us a payment, on the back of the postal order, cheque or banker’s draft so we know what the payment is for.
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